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Tips on Dealing With a Tree That’s Been Struck by Lightning


The spring season is a time of year that brings rain and thunderstorms to the East Tennessee area. At times, the storms can be severe and include lightning that could affect your property. Although lightning can be a beautiful sight and scary at the same time, it is an incredibly powerful force of nature that could pose a potential threat to nature, humans, and animal life as well. One of the most vulnerable objects to lightning is tall trees. Your ISA-certified arborists in Kingsport at Promier Tree are sharing some tips on dealing with a tree that’s been struck by lightning.

Was my tree struck by lightning?

About half of the trees that are struck by lightning will show obvious damage. In some instances, your tree could suffer minimal damage that could lead to lasting effects, including an increase in the risk of vulnerability to diseases. The most common tree species to be struck by lightning are maple, poplar, gum, pine, and oak.  If you notice signs of holes, charring of the bark, burnt or broken branches, wilting, or changes in color or flexibility, it is time to have a professional arborist in Johnson City examine your tree.

How do I assess the damage to my tree?

Use extreme caution when approaching a tree that has recently been struck by lightning as it could still hold a residual electric charge from the strike. There are three possible outcomes when lightning strikes a tree: immediate death, survival but scars remain, and escape from damage. The most effective way to determine the extent of damage is to contact the certified arborists in Bristol at Promier Tree for a thorough tree inspection.

  • Immediate Death – If the tree’s structure was compromised before the storm, it could have areas that were infected by disease or decay. Since the water in the tree is more concentrated in the trunk, the lightning can easily penetrate the center of the tree, destroying it entirely.
  • Survival, But Scars Remain – Since most of a healthy tree’s water is stored under the bark, it could provide an effective conductor where the strike could only affect the outer layers of the tree. Your tree may survive the blast and possibly need some branches removed, but scars will remain.
  • Escape From the Damage – When there has been an extensive time of heavy rain where the tree’s exterior has been soaked, there is a chance that lightning could fall around the area of the tree, leaving no damage.

How do I care for my tree after the lightning strike?

If your tree survives the lightning strike with minimal or no damage, there are actionable steps you can take to help your tree recover from the strike. Be sure to prune or remove any damaged branches. First, supply the tree with generous amounts of water to encourage health. Then, provide fertilizer for the tree to stimulate the growth and repair process. Finally, monitor your tree’s condition even if there was little damage to it. Look for damage, pests or insects, and diseases that could spread to other trees. If the condition worsens, contact your local tree care specialist in Kingsport for more information on how to protect your tree.

How do I protect my tree from lightning?

Trees can be protected from lightning by installing a protection system provided by tree care experts in Johnson City. The system uses copper cables that are attached to the top branches of the tree and extend down to the ground a few meters away from the base of the tree. When lightning strikes, the electrical charge should follow the path of the cables and defend your tree from damage. Trees that have historical significance would greatly benefit from a tree protection system as they are typically older and prone to injury.

Tree Care in Kingsport, Bristol, and Johnson City

If a tree in your yard is unfortunate and suffers the wrath of mother nature by getting struck by lightning, feel free to contact your emergency tree service company in Bristol at Promier Tree by calling (423) 765-2626 or contact us today.
