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What Soil pH means for Your Trees

Soil pH level

The type of soil that is in your backyard contains various compounds that will provide nutrition to your trees and other plants. Although people tend to think that all dirt is mostly the same, that statement is simply not true as each region varies. In some areas, the soil is more acidic, while in others it is more alkaline, and both conditions could contribute to the health of your trees. Today on the blog, your local tree specialists in Kingsport at Promier Tree are sharing what soil pH means for your trees and how you can improve the soil, so that your trees receive the proper nutrition they need to flourish.

What is pH in the soil?

The pH level refers to the acidity or alkalinity of your soil. The measurement of determining the pH level ranges from zero to 14, and seven is considered a neutral level. Any soil that registers below seven is considered acidic, and soil that registers above seven is alkaline. The pH balance in your soil controls many chemical processes that occur in the soil, such as plant nutrient availability. For your trees to thrive, your local arborist in Johnson City highly recommends that you maintain the proper levels of soil pH.

Why does a soil pH level matter?

The chemistry in your soil is changed when you have different levels of alkalinity or acidity. For example, when the soil is too alkaline, it could make it difficult for your trees and plants to absorb the micro-nutrients like iron and manganese that help with the production of chlorophyll. When the soil is too acidic, it could become too toxic for some trees and plants and interrupt basic plant functions for healthy growth.

What should I do to determine the pH level in my soil?

The pH level of your soil can be tested by a tree expert in Bristol. Once you know the pH level in your soil, acidic or alkaline, then you can choose the best treatment best for the plant life in your yard.

How do I change the pH balance in my soil?

There are varying treatments depending on the pH balance of your soil. Unfortunately, one treatment is not a permanent solution to the problem in some regions of the United States. Depending on where you live, you may need to have multiple treatments to balance the pH in your soil before reaching the optimum balance for the trees in your yard.

Although contacting a professional arborist in Kingsport for the best results would be wise, you could alter the health of your soil in the following ways:

  • Ammonium Sulfate – AMS is a fertilizer that is often used on farms and is an inexpensive option for soil pH treatment. However, it can be difficult to find in your local hardware store or garden center.
  • Organic Matter – Adding mulch or manure around the base of your trees should naturally fertilize the soil and can help neutralize the pH balance promoting healthy growth.
  • Watering Your Trees – Be cautious of how much and how often you water your trees as the amount of water can raise the pH level in your soil. When watering your trees, keep in mind the annual rainfall in your area as it could affect the pH level as well.

Tree expert in Kingsport, Bristol, and Johnson City

The pH balance in your soil significantly impacts the health of your trees and plants. If you are unsure of the condition of your soil, contact your local tree specialist in Johnson City to discuss soil testing and treatment options to create the best environment for the trees. Feel free to contact Promier Tree in the Tri-Cities area by calling (423) 765-2626 or contacting us through our website so we can help you provide the best environment for the health of your trees.
