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End of Summer Lawn Care Tips

End of summer lawn care

The brutal heat and sun during the summer can damage your lawn, turning it brown and crunchy. However, you can recoup your lawn’s health and prepare for the colder months ahead as the season changes. Kingsport’s experienced landscapers at Promier Landscapes share with homeowners some end-of-summer lawn care tips to protect and promote your lawn’s health.

Mow on a High Setting

The optimum height of a lawnmower blade during the summer cutting season should be about three to four inches from the ground. The tall grass grows deep roots, which prevents weed invasions and prolongs health during a drought.

Sharpen the Lawnmower Blades

Before the mowing season begins each year, sharpen your blades to ensure a clean cut throughout the season. Dull blades can tear grass blades and lead to fraying and browning.

When Mowing Matters

Mowing your lawn in the morning or at dusk protects harmful sun rays from damaging your fresh-cut grass. Also, aim to cut the grass less during the summer months to prevent grass blade damage.

Natural Lawn Mulch

Bagging your clippings removes a natural mulch element when you cut your grass. The clippings settle, trapping moisture around the soil, allowing the lawn to stay hydrated in the heat for longer. Additionally, the clippings serve as a weed barrier.

Deep Water Your Lawn

Our Johnson City landscaping pros explain that most grass types need approximately one inch of water per week to remain healthy. Therefore, water your lawn one time instead of sporadically. The water depth in one application will promote root growth, leading to better survival during drought seasons. In addition, a custom irrigation system can make watering your lawn simple.

When Watering Matters

Watering your lawn in the morning is the best time for optimum growth results. However, watering mid-day results in evaporation problems, while watering during the evening could lead to standing water and mold or fungus growth due to improper yard drainage.

Insect and Disease Control

Your lawn is a summer home for bugs, such as fleas, chinchbugs, fire ants, and mosquitos. A few pest varieties can damage your lawn and should receive treatment from a professional pest control company before extensive damage occurs.

Aerate Your Lawn

Your lawn’s soil becomes compact during the summer from sun effects, resulting in a loss of nutrients, water, air, and fertilizer to reach the grassroots. Aeration breaks through the thatch layer to open dirt areas where water, air, and nutrients can penetrate the soil and increase growth. 

Lawn Care in Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol, Tennessee

Mending your lawn after a harsh summer is possible when you follow the above tips from Kingsport landscapers. Although it will take some time to see results, you can rest in peace knowing the power of nature and deliberate care practices can return your lawn to a lush paradise. Our experts at Promier Landscapes can further guide you on best practices for lawn care. Feel free to call our office at (423) 872-2988 or contact us online to connect with a landscaping pro today!
