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The Dangers of Cutting Tree Roots


How you care for your trees can heavily influence the length and quality of life they will experience. Trees that receive regular maintenance and attention flourish, while those ignored often die of disease or become severely damaged. While the care above ground is crucial, the roots underground are life-sustaining extensions requiring care and promoting healthy tree life. The Tri-Cities ISA certified arborists at Promier Tree share more about the dangers of cutting tree roots so that you can enjoy beautiful trees for years to come.

What are some causes of cutting tree roots?

Cut tree roots can happen when you dig into your yard unknowingly chopping through the roots of a close-by tree. Cuts can also occur at businesses when communications companies dig trenches to install new cable, optical fiber wires, or run utility lines. Therefore, leading ISA certified arborists in Kingsport recommend contacting Promier Tree when your tree roots get cut to provide the best treatment for survival. However, by the time homeowners notice outward signs of stress, life-saving treatment is too late because of progressive conditions.

How do cut roots affect tree health?

Although cutting through a few tree roots may seem trivial, it can cause a chain reaction that could be deadly to your tree. When a tree loses roots, it experiences a reduced intake of critical nutrients and water. Unfortunately, as the tree absorbs fewer life-sustaining elements, it reduces functions such as photosynthesis, carbon assimilation, and transpiration. Johnson City’s experienced ISA certified arborists advise property owners that the loss of water absorption is the most significant factor that causes early health decline and eventual removal.

Infrared technology can show the inner structure responsible for transporting water from the roots to the branches. Upon inspecting the tree system, you may find a dramatic reduction in photosynthesis, even when the tree appears to be perfectly healthy. Even during heavy rain periods, trees with root damage can still show signs of drought distress. The Bristol ISA certified arborists inform property owners that they should begin to see signs of outward symptoms within three to six years of inner decline.

How can I keep my tree alive with cut roots?

Trees with cut roots can survive with proper care. Watering your tree or installing an irrigation system can provide the tree with life-saving water when it doesn’t rain. To keep the ground moist between watering sessions, mulch around the tree base. Consult with a knowledgeable ISA certified arborist in the Tri-Cities for assistance with root growth treatments that can help produce feeder roots. With additional root growth and tender loving care, your tree could survive for many years.

How can I avoid cutting tree roots on my property?

Before starting your next outdoor home improvement project that requires you to dig into the earth, the Kingsport ISA certified arborists recommend obtaining an irrigation installation map to minimize root damage of surrounding trees. Arborists use a Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) that emits electromagnetic waves to detect the tree’s roots. Then, you can map your lawn area where tree roots could suffer damage when digging in your yard.

Arborist in Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol, Tennessee

Protecting the trees on your property includes taking care of their roots. Even though you may not see visible signs on the tree’s exterior, internal damage could exist and cause eventual death. Contact a qualified ISA certified arborist in Johnson City for a tree health evaluation by calling (423) 765-2626 or contact us online today. The tree experts at Promier Tree are ready to help you protect the trees on your property.
