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The Best Lawn Care Tips for December

Frost on the grass

Many homeowners take a sigh of relief during the winter because it means they don’t have to spend their Saturdays taking care of their lawns. Although your turf is more active in the spring, summer, and autumn seasons, that doesn’t mean you should entirely forget about it during winter. However, you can do some activities during winter that can make a dramatic difference in your lawn’s performance come spring. Our Tri-Cities lawn care maintenance experts at Promier Landscapes share the best lawn care tips for December on the blog today so you can have a lush green lawn throughout the warmer months.

Aerate & Fertilize

Aerating your lawn before it falls dormant helps ease summer compaction and improves drought resistance. Whether you aerate your lawn or hire a lawn maintenance professional in Kingsport, you should schedule the activity right before your area’s first forecasted frost date. Then, fertilize your turf to supply it with nutrients, which means it grows thick and healthy before winter. Throughout the winter season, grassroots absorb nutrients and store them for explosive growth in the spring. A well-maintained lawn before the weather heats can also help ward off unwanted visitors like weeds, insects, and illnesses.

Keep Your Yard Clean

Yard debris like leaves and furniture can severely damage your grass. For example, leaves on your lawn can suffocate the grass or spread illness. Therefore, our lawn maintenance pros in Bristol explain that it’s crucial to store patio furniture in a location where it doesn’t sit on the grass to prevent accidental damage. Additionally, mulching the leaves with a mower into dime-sized bits can return the nutrients to your grass if the leaves aren’t too heavy or moist. However, rake and dispose of excessively heavy, damp, or matted-down leaves. As an added precaution, remove extra logs adjacent to your fire pit and pick up any other lawn clutter.

Limit Lawn Traffic

Grass blades in winter can be brittle and break when you walk across the lawn. Our Johnson City lawn care pros advise homeowners not to walk on the property too much when it’s frozen or not growing to prevent potential damage. Reusing the same route may weaken even the toughest grass, so if you must walk on the lawn regularly, do so in a varying pattern to prevent damage. Pets can also impact your lawn’s performance, so limiting their traffic during winter is essential.

Be Smart Around Ice

Winters in East Tennessee can be mild to brutal, depending on the year. However, when covered with ice and snow, driveways, pathways, and sidewalks are more dangerous. Therefore, clearing them should be a top priority. The snow and ice are easily removable using a liquid derived from maize, and a green indication hue both contribute to the potency of this all-natural mixture that melts ice and snow. Our Tri-Cities lawn care company warns property owners that removing ice and snow doesn’t mean you pile it on the lawn. The snow’s weight and continuous moisture can compact the grass or result in disease. Both of which can turn your lawn brown.

Prepare Now

There’s no better time than now to prepare for the winter season. Preparing in advance allows you to plan your activities and act right before the first frost. Additionally, preparing in the spring and summer months can help you save money on winter-only products because the demand is not that high in the off-season. Our Kingsport lawn care experts can help you determine which products are best for your lawn now and additional products that can complement your lawn care style and habits.

Lawn Maintenance in Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol, Tennessee

It may seem like the time to rest from yard work, but your turf needs help through the winter months to bounce back in the spring and reward you with its beauty. Our Johnson City lawn maintenance experts explain that you can reduce or prevent lawn damage this winter season by taking a few extra precautions and following the above tips. If you have questions about winter lawn maintenance or would like to schedule an appointment for service, please call Promier Landscapes at (423) 872-2988 or contact us online today.
