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5 Expert Ways to Protect Your Evergreens This Winter

Trees covered with snow

Evergreens are an excellent addition to most homeowners as the year-round color, texture, and wildlife refuge provide more benefits than seasonal varieties. Additionally, evergreens can give a beautiful and picturesque landscaping scene, especially when all other trees are bare. Unfortunately, freezing winter temperatures and snow can damage evergreens, but you can guard them against damaging winter effects and drying. Our ISA-certified arborists in the Tri-Cities area at Promier Tree share on the blog today five expert ways to protect your evergreens this winter so that you can protect your property investment and enjoy year-round benefits.

1. Water Thoroughly Until Winter Freeze

Throughout the year and into winter, well-hydrated evergreens are more resilient during the harsh winter conditions. In most cases, you can decrease watering at the beginning of September. Still, depending on the weather, Kingsport’s expert arborists explain that you may need to provide ample moisture to evergreens through October and potentially November until the ground freezes.

2. Mulch

Mulch around the base of your evergreens provides multiple benefits that can help protect your trees and bushes during winter. Although mulch offers a beautiful aesthetic for your landscape, it also adds a fresh insulation layer that aids in soil temperature regulation and seals in moisture. Our ISA-certified arborists in Bristol explain that roots are incapable of replacing lost water after the ground freezes. Unfortunately, the sun and wind may cause moisture depletion from foliage, resulting in early tree death or the need for removal.

3. Spray With Wilt Stop

Even though there are multiple benefits of evergreens standing strong throughout winter, many varieties are susceptible to desiccation because their leaves have more surface to release moisture. However, our ISA-certified arborists in Johnson City explain that over-the-counter anti-drying sprays like Wilt Stop can help seal in water and protect both wide and narrow-leafed evergreen varieties. Wilt Stop is a non-toxic, natural product made from a pine tree resin that forms a transparent, soft, and flexible foliage barrier to prevent your evergreens from drying out.

4. Create a Barrier Against Wind

Your property’s evergreens encounter harsh winter winds and the scolding winter sun when planted on the south or southwest side of your home. The dangerous combination can wreak havoc on your evergreens, potentially causing early death. Therefore, our Tri-Cities tree experts recommend constructing a burlap barrier for protection. First, insert sturdy wooden or metal stakes in the ground at an angle around the south or southwest tree side. Then, wrap the tree with burlap while ensuring the top remains open for air and light exposure. The burlap’s natural, porous fibers allow wind to pass through, making it resilient to stronger airflows. Additionally, the strongest and coldest wind gusts get deflected from your evergreens, which can help minimize drifting and damaging snow accumulations.

5. Buddy-tie Your Evergreens

Using the same philosophy as when you sprain or break your finger, buddy-tying your tree lends strength and support for weaker branches. Most evergreens have multiple leaders, two or more dominant branches, or growth sides, making them susceptible to damage from heavy snow and ice on their own. The most vulnerable area is above the tree crotch, where the trunk branches into two limbs. Our ISA-certified arborists in Kingsport recommend joining the two leaders about halfway up from the crotch area to give more strength and stability during the winter months. Using long strips of cloth, burlap, or nylon stockings to bind the branches can offer excellent results. However, you must remove them before spring growth to prevent girdling and allow movement.

Certified Arborists in Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol, Tennessee

Your property’s landscape faces brutal conditions during the winter. Therefore, it’s necessary to take proactive steps and protect your property investment from accidental damage. If you have damaged evergreens or would like more information about evergreen care, feel free to contact our Tri-Cities ISA-certified arborists. Our experienced arborists can conduct a health evaluation to determine actionable steps to protect your evergreens. Call Promier Tree at (423) 765-2626 or contact us online to schedule a consultation today and protect your trees all year long.
