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Tips on Dealing with Trees Damaged by Snow or Ice


You know about the risks of driving during a winter storm. Snow and ice can make roads impassable. Extreme winter weather also poses a threat to your trees. The weight of snow and ice can break off tree limbs, damage shrubs, and even topple trees. Here in areas of East Tennessee like Kingsport and Johnson City, at least one significant winter storm can be expected, on average, each year. That’s why our ISA-certified arborists in Kingsport at Promier Tree compiled this list of tips on dealing with trees when they get damaged by snow or ice.

Before the storm comes

  • Have your trees in Kingsport evaluated, both for health and stability. Young or at-risk trees can be fortified with braces or cables to protect them from the weight of snow and ice or high winds.
  • Identify any broken, dead, or unbalanced branches that may fall during extreme winter weather. Remove them if possible, especially if they hang over sidewalks, driveways, or roads.
  • Schedule a tree pruning in Johnson City, especially for any trees growing into or near power lines. Preventive pruning can help a tree retain or enhance its natural shape rather than be pruned after the fact to mitigate damage.

After the storm passes

  • If a tree or its branches have fallen to block your driveway or landed on your home, contact an emergency tree removal company in Kingsport. Chances are that several homes and businesses will need tree care services after the storm, which means any tree care company will be operating on a triage system. Situations that threaten life or public safety will be the top priority, followed by instances of significant damage such as a tree falling through a home’s roof and then other tree damage that does not have a related safety or property issue.
  • For trees that have fallen across roads or the public right-of-way to your home, contact your local public works department or the non-life-threatening emergency number.
  • Contact your utility company if fallen trees or branches have impacted power lines near your home.
  • Evaluate all of the trees on your property. Sometimes the signs of damage are less obvious. Look for broken branches, torn bark, or trees and branches that are bent, split, or leaning.

Is your tree salvageable?

Tree damage after a winter storm often looks worse than it is.

Even a heavily damaged tree can make a complete recovery if it meets certain criteria:

  • The tree was in good health before the storm
  • The tree still has its leader or main branch
  • The tree still has most of its major limbs, and the majority of its branches

Expect that any tree that does not meet these criteria will have to be removed. You’ll need to contact a tree care professional to remove your damaged tree in Johnson City.

Comprehensive Tree Care in Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol

We hope that you never experience tree damage after a winter storm, but if you do, know that Promier Tree offers 24/7 emergency service. And, you also can prepare before the storm by scheduling a tree health evaluation for any trees on your property. To find out more, contact our office today by calling (423) 765-2626.
