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10 Must-Do Steps before Sodding your Lawn

sodding lawn

Spring is here, and for folks who want an impeccable, lush landscape, sod may be your easiest option. Laying sod is a big job; it’s best to trust this task to a professional landscaper in Kingsport like Promier Landscapes. Here is some more information on the way we prepare your lawn before placing sod.

Step 1: Find the right time

You can’t place sod on any set schedule; you need to do it at the right time of year for your grass type. Warm-season grass sod, for example, should be placed in the spring. Warm-season grasses do most of their growth in the late spring and summer. Laying the sod early in the growing season means you have a lush, beautiful lawn by the fall. Cool-season sod, on the other hand, needs to be installed early in the fall season.

Step 2: Test the soil

Our landscaping services company in Kingsport has experience with all the different soil types that are common in Bristol and surrounding locations in the Tri-Cities. Performing this test yourself leaves too much room for error. Are you using a meter with prongs that are long enough to measure the soil pH at the right depth and are familiar with pH readings? Identifying if your soil is acidic or not is crucial to see if your soil needs any amendments, such as lime that need to be added during tilling.

Step 3: Remove existing sod

Before placing new sod, no matter what type of grass you have or the acidity level of your soil, you need to remove the existing sod. Again, this is a complicated job you should not attempt yourself. It requires using the proper tool, like a sod cutter designed specifically for the task. Then you need to set the blade deep enough that it removes not just the grass but also the root material and the top 2 centimeters of topsoil.

Step 4: Clear away any debris

After removing existing sod, clear away any debris: rocks, remaining plant material, and thick roots. This is something you can do yourself, but your professional landscaper in Johnson City can do it for you as part of the thorough process of placing new sod.

Step 5: Till the soil

If you’re an ambitious home gardener, you might already own a tiller. You can also rent one. A tiller is a powerful piece of machinery, and it can be difficult to operate correctly and safely if you aren’t familiar with its usage. At Promier Landscapes, we use professional-grade tillers that do the job quickly and efficiently. We also know exactly how much to till the soil. Failing to till before placing new sod means the turf will dehydrate, wither, and die.

Step 6: Add soil amendments

Once the soil is tilled, add any fertilizers or other beneficial additives. This would include lime if the pH level of your soil registered as acidic during testing. At Promier Landscapes, we can mix the right amount of additives with your soil as part of the tilling process.

Step 7: Does it make the grade?

Removing existing sod and tilling your soil may change the slope of your yard or create dips or low spots. You can try to level the ground yourself, but this is a tall task for many homeowners. Leveling soil in a large yard also may require the rental of special equipment… the type of equipment your professional Kingsport landscaper already has.

Step 8: Add topsoil

Remember those low spots we mentioned? The best way to level is by adding dirt to build up your yard. You also will want to add topsoil if the dirt in your yard is 2 or more inches below paved areas such as sidewalks or walkways. When adding topsoil, take it as a chance to improve the overall quality of your soil by mixing in some compost as well.

Step 9: Roll the yard

A lawn roller is a special piece of equipment that compacts the soil in your yard. This compaction eliminates any air pockets in the soil that helps prevent sod root. You also may need to apply fresh soil if you see your yard needs to be leveled.

Step 10: Confirm the square footage

Laying fresh sod is difficult enough. Now, imagine you end up with not enough new sod to do the job. A professional landscaper knows the most efficient and accurate way to measure the dimensions of your yard. This is yet another reason to trust a job like this to the experts.

Sod installation in Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol

As you probably can tell by now, laying new sod is a major job if you try to do it yourself. At Promier Landscapes, our team of professionals does work like this every day. We can handle every aspect of the process of placing sod, including the installation and layering of any topsoil. To find out more, schedule a consultation with one of our experienced contractors today by calling (423) 872-2988.
