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Should You Prune Trees in the Fall?

Should you prune trees in fall

The consensus among most homeowners is that the best time to trim and prune trees is during the fall. Even though qualified tree specialists prune trees year round without harmful effects, they are also more knowledgeable and experienced in tree health. Since professionals understand tree growth stages and processes, they can make more effective pruning decisions that boost health and growth. Today on the blog, our Johnson City ISA-certified arborists at Promier Tree answer the question if you should prune trees in the fall and how to protect them if pruning is an absolute necessity.

When is the best time to prune trees?

Unfortunately, most homeowners are incorrect when they assume that the best season for pruning trees is in the fall. Our Kingsport tree care experts explain that pruning trees during the fall can encourage new growth that prevents the tree from entering the natural dormancy state. Additionally, trees struggle to heal before the cold winter season when pruned in the fall, increasing the risks of disease and decay. However, the winter months are when trees and plants go dormant, making it easier to see opportune pruning points, improving wound closure, and preventing most pathogens or pests that can infect your trees.

Why do trees need pruning?

The size, shape, and strength of your trees are controllable through regular maintenance and pruning processes. Our Bristol ISA-certified arborists explain that some tree species, like fruit trees, require pruning to maximize tree health and fruit production. Additionally, pruning provides an opportunity to remove dead limbs that could fall unexpectedly during inclement weather and cause personal or property damage. Finally, trees that have fungi, decay, or disease may require pruning to prevent them from spreading to healthy tree areas or neighboring trees.

Do I need to hire someone to prune my trees, or can I do it myself?

Younger and smaller trees need direction to produce a good shape and keep them healthy. As a property owner, you can easily maintain younger and smaller trees. However, if your property has large or mature trees that need pruning, our Tri-Cities tree care experts recommend hiring a licensed tree care company to handle the job. Not only are they knowledgeable about trees, but they have the experience and equipment that pruning large trees requires. Additionally, when you hire a professional company to prune your trees, you don’t have to worry about risking your health in an accident.

ISA-Certified arborists in Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol, Tennessee

Understanding the purpose of pruning your trees and knowing the best time of year to do so can help protect your tree from pests and diseases and boost its growth during the spring season. However, many homeowners don’t possess the knowledge or equipment to prune the trees on their property. If you have questions or need assistance pruning your trees, feel free to contact our ISA-certified arborists in Kingsport at Promier Tree by calling (423) 765-2626 or contact us online today.
