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6 Late Winter Lawn Care Tips

winter lawn tips

Most homeowners don’t give much thought to their lawns over the winter because they think there’s no regular care necessary when the grass stops growing. Even though the Tri-Cities winters can bring moderate to heavy snowfall, your lawn still needs attention year-round. Fortunately, autumn is a much easier time of year for lawn care, with far less mowing and general upkeep required. Your grass still requires regular care, so avoid delaying lawn maintenance simply because your list of things to do is shorter. Our Kingsport lawn maintenance pros at Promier Landscapes share on the blog today six late winter lawn care tips so that you can prepare your lawn for whatever the winter season may bring and have a gorgeous lawn come spring.

  1. Test the soil

With fewer lawn care responsibilities in the winter, it’s a good opportunity to do a soil test. In the colder months, conduct a soil and nutrient analysis to learn more about your soil’s makeup. Potassium, nitrogen, or magnesium might be deficient and directly impact grass and plant growth. The best method to know whether you should fertilize, aerate, or conduct any other lawn care work is to perform a soil test every three to five years.

  1. Clean up

Even in winter, you should clean your property. Debris and trash on a lawn can spread diseases to grass, and you should remove them quickly to protect your yard. A heavy, dead branch can be dangerous to remove. It can also hinder new grass growth and attract pests and diseases. So, examine your lawn periodically and remove any foreign objects. If an item remains too long in one spot, it can damage or kill grass blades.

  1. Fertilize

Soil test results can signify if you need to add fertilizer to your lawn. If so, our lawn maintenance company in Bristol advises property owners to apply a nutrient-specific fertilizer or a balanced organic fertilizer, such as aged compost. It’s possible to use a fertilizer that contains nitrogen or one that focuses on a different nutrient. Fertilizing with phosphate and potash in the winter is ideal for cool-season grasses. Then, you may continue fertilizing your lawn throughout the winter if you have warm-season grasses like Zoysiagrass or Bermudagrass. A tip to keep fertilizer in the ground all winter is to mulch the lawn before the ground freezes.

  1. Overseed

Overseeding isn’t a necessary task for winter lawn maintenance care, but it’s something to think about if you have bald spots or a moderate winter. Aerating and overseeding your lawn helps grass seeds germinate deeper in the soil instead of getting eaten by animals or whisked away by rain or wind. Not only will it be beneficial regardless of your grass type, but deeper soil penetration yields a more drought-resistant yard.

  1. Remove leaves

Decaying leaves that accumulate on your lawn should be removed promptly. While leaves are nutrient-dense, huge amounts may quickly spoil, grow mold or milder, and stink if left outside. Additionally, individuals with seasonal allergies may develop sensitivities to these growths. Therefore, collect the leaves and either store them, bag them for pick up, or put them in a compost pile. On the other hand, to help save on mulching costs for your garden, use a mulching mower to reduce the leaf size and add them as a natural fertilizer. When you mulch them, you may avoid toxic mold and moss growth and protect your lawn from diseases and brown spots.

  1. Mow

Our Johnson City lawn maintenance experts encourage property owners to make sure their grass is well-maintained and manicured before the first seasonal frost. Always keep an eye on the forecast and cut the grass short at regular intervals leading up to the first frost. Regular mowing can help the grass adjust to its new height and prevent overgrowth through winter. Lawns that maintain taller grass are more likely to experience pest issues, both on their lawns and inside their homes.

Lawn maintenance services in Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol, Tennessee

Caring for your lawn is a year-round project that should demand your attention and yield phenomenal results. When you plan and care for your yard, it can shine during the spring growing season and remain green during the hottest summers. To find out more about winter lawn care tips or to schedule lawn maintenance services in the Tri-Cities area, please call Promier Landscapes at (423) 872-2988 or contact us online.
