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10 Tips for Maintaining a Beautiful Lawn

maintain lawn

In the summer months, many homeowners take pride in their lush, well-manicured lawns, and for good reason. After all, beautiful lawns don’t just happen. Maintaining a healthy lawn, in fact, takes quite a bit of dedication, effort and steady maintenance throughout the spring and summer months.

If you want to add to your home’s curb appeal with a healthy, attractive lawn, read on for tips from our lawn care specialists in Kingsport that can help you out this summer:

  1. Create a maintenance plan

One of the most critical steps to success in maintaining a beautiful lawn is to make a schedule to ensure your lawn is receiving the care it needs. It’s important to know which season is best for aerating, fertilizing and sowing seeds. Maintenance during the summer isn’t as easy as mowing and walking away if you want a healthy, lush lawn. Add to your schedule tasks like watering, fertilizing, aerating and controlling weeds and pests.

  1. Mow at the right time

It may surprise you, but one key to maintaining a healthy, beautiful lawn is to let the grass grow. In fact, you’ll want it grow to at least 2-3 inches before cutting it. Mowing the grass too short can cause stress on the grassroots, leading to a weak lawn. But allowing grass to grow too high allows for unwanted growth of thatch and weeds, which provides the perfect breeding ground for pests and disease. Spring and summer are known for rain showers and thunderstorms that lead to healthy grass growth. Just be sure the grass is dry before mowing.

  1. Water infrequently

That’s right: water no more than a couple times a week, but be sure to water very deeply — at least one inch of water per week if your area has not experienced the equivalent in rainfall. Deep watering encourages roots to grow deeper, which helps grass better withstand periods of drought.

  1. Fertilize properly

Your soil needs proper nutrients to grow a lawn full of healthy grass. Consult with our Kingsport landscaping professionals for the type of fertilizer you need for your specific grass and, depending on your area, how much fertilizer — and when — you should apply.

  1. Aerate

Soil can become compacted over time, which makes it difficult, if possible, for the lawn to absorb needed nutrients, air and water. Aerating at least once a year is suggested.

  1. Control weeds

The best defense against weeds is a strong offense. If not addressed quickly, weeds can quickly grow out of control, taking over a lawn. Hand-pull weeks, or control them with a weed killer. Mulch can be added to flower beds and other areas without grass to prevent weeds.

  1. Overseed

If your grass looks thin, or if you have bare or dead spots, you can overseed the lawn. Consult with our landscape specialists in the Tri-Cities area for the right type of grass for your area.

  1. Rake debris

Think ahead to fall: Too thick of a layer of fallen leaves can suffocate and kill a beautiful lawn.  Be sure to rake old leaves and sticks off your lawn after storms and then again when leaves fall in autumn. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Dead leaves — just not too many of them — will decompose, turning into compost to nourish the soil.

  1. Hire a lawn care specialist

If you don’t have the time or interest to tend to your lawn but still want the curb appeal of having healthy, lush grass, hire a lawn care specialist who is trained to handle all your maintenance needs.

Maintain a beautiful lawn

In the Tri-Cities area, Promier Landscapes for has helped people like you for two decades create and maintain beautiful, lush, crabgrass-free lawns and landscaping. For more information, call (423) 872-2988, or fill out the form on the website.
