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Can My Damaged Tree Be Saved?

Save tree

You have a beautiful shade tree in your yard. Then one day, a massive hail storm breaks a major branch. Your favorite fruit tree has black spots all over the leaves and fruit; can it be salvaged to produce fruit next year? The plumber just found tree roots in your pipes and so the roots have to be cut back. Will the tree survive or become a falling danger to your property?

All of these are common situations homeowners experience with trees on their property. They’re also examples of tree damage. In this article, your Kingsport tree professionals at Promier Tree explore the question of when a damaged tree can, and cannot, be saved.

What causes tree damage?

You probably know about the threat of severe weather to trees. High winds can cause broken branches or, for a tree with a weak root system (more on that later), entirely uproot a tree. Lightning can strike a tree. Flooding can oversaturate the root system, leaving it vulnerable to uprooting, while drought can starve a tree. Branches also can break under the weight of snow and ice.

Some causes of tree damage can be more subtle. For example, soil compaction can suffocate your tree’s roots. Ideally, a tree’s roots need aerated soil, preferably of a crumbly consistency, to successfully absorb oxygen, water and other nutrients. Conversely, soil erosion also can deprive a tree’s root system of necessary nutrients.

Other causes of tree damage include the following:

  • Pesticides
  • Staking or bracing incorrectly
  • Applying too much mulch, especially close to the trunk
  • Screws, nails and tethered animals doing damage to the trunk or bark
  • Pruning during the wrong season, or over pruning
  • Power lines
  • Diseases and insects
  • Construction damage

Do you know the warning signs of tree damage?

If insects infest your tree, or your tree is infected with a disease, do you know what to look for? Trees are susceptible to molds, fungi, bacteria and viruses. These can weaken a tree, and those vulnerabilities can kill a tree during extreme weather. Many times, a tree that seemingly was destroyed during a storm already has been compromised for other reasons. Had that damage been identified and treated, the tree could have been saved.

The benefits of professional tree care

Your trees not only provide shade, food, and wildlife needs, they also add property value to your home, if the tree is in good condition. Let the expert arborists of Promier Tree evaluate your trees for damage, and help you create a strategy to save or remove as needed. Each of our arborists is certified by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and has a wealth of knowledge on all the species of tree native to Kingsport, Bristol, Johnson City and the surrounding areas here in East Tennessee.

At Promier Tree we can provide a health evaluation to see if your tree has an infestation, virus, or physical damages, and if it can be saved. If the tree cannot be saved, we can remove the tree safely and with minimal risk to any other trees, property, people or animals.

Don’t wait until the tree root ball is exposed, or a tree has tipped over and landed in your living room. Schedule an evaluation for your trees today with one of Promier Tree’s arborists. Just call (423) 765-2626.
