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How to have the Most Attractive Lawn in the Neighborhood

a house with wide and green lawn

Having the best-looking lawn on your block is not always the easiest thing to accomplish, especially during times of drought. However, with some planning and attention, you may be surprised by what you can achieve. Having the best-looking lawn on the block is attainable for anyone willing to invest time into regular lawn care. So, our Kingsport lawn care experts at Promier Land share on the blog today how to have the most attractive lawn in the neighborhood so that you can turn your neighbors green with envy.

Brown spots or dying grass

This first step involves considering any trouble spots you might have and deciding whether existing grass is restorable. If you are planting things into the soil where your brown or dying grass was, expect the process to take a few months. With seeds, it could take six weeks or longer before the growth fills in, and you should avoid cutting the lawn to allow it to grow undisturbed. Our Johnson City lawn maintenance pros can provide direction to improve brown spots or revive dying grass through various treatments.


After establishing a beautiful lawn, your priority will be maintaining grass health throughout the year. Fertilization will go a long way toward ensuring that your yard will flourish and look fantastic year-round. However, our lawn care pros in Bristol warn homeowners to be careful with fertilizing to ensure that they are not over-fertilizing, which can do more damage than not fertilizing. Many people fertilize their lawns early each season, but what kind of fertilizer you use will dictate your timing. In addition, fertilizing the trees, shrubs, and yard is vital if you want to grow the best grounds in your neighborhood.


Our Tri-Cities area landscape experts explain that water is crucial to healthy grass growth. You want your lawn and other landscaping elements to receive enough water year-round, which can happen through an installed irrigation system. However, if an irrigation system is outside your budget, watering the lawn using a sprinkler or hose during dry weather conditions can ensure your yard remains healthy and green. Additionally, choosing the best grass for your property and growth region significantly impacts your lawn’s appearance and health.


Creeping, invasive grasses such as crabgrass can quickly take over your lawn and destroy healthy grass growth as they compete for vital nutrients. Therefore, you might want to think twice about leaving the invasive grass. On the other hand, yards with classic grasses, such as fescue or different types that don’t creep and run, may benefit from a simple covering with a weed control treatment.


Regular mowing will also encourage a thicker lawn that outcompetes the weeds and decreases your chances of having lawn weed problems. Additionally, only a small number of leaves will need mulching each time, and the lawn will always appear clean. Our Johnson City lawn maintenance experts explain that mowing in the same direction every time trains the grass to tilt one way and causes swaths of dead or damaged turf. Furthermore, grass clumping will look unappealing and impede airflow into the grass, creating brown spots and encouraging disease. In most cases, grass clippings will fall through your grass into the soil, decomposing and providing nutrients for your lawn. Not only will you not need to rake or bag them, but leaving your grass clippings through a season means one less fertilizer application is necessary. An underperforming lawn is often caused by cutting the grass too short, so you must maintain a height of 3.33 inches tall year-round for a healthier, greener lawn.

Lawn maintenance in Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol, Tennessee

A great lawn is stress-free, so it’s crucial to give it attention before stress signs appear. A trained, professional eye can help you spot problems with your lawn to avoid situations that will reduce your lawn’s look and health. If you want to keep your hands clean and have our Tri-Cities lawn maintenance experts at Promier Landscapes care for your property, we encourage you to call us at (423) 872-2988 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.
