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Maintenance After Commercial Landscaping

commercial landscape design

Once a commercial landscaping project has been completed, a business owner is entitled to spend a little while simply admiring the result of his or her investment of time and effort. But after a brief period of celebration, some thoughts must be directed to what needs to be done to maintain the project’s beauty and to protect it. Here are a few things that should be done to keep that commercial landscape as attractive as possible.

Seasonal updates

Depending on the season, a few things should be done to maintain the appeal of the landscape:

  • Flower rotation

If a business has flowers at the entrance or around signs, it is wise to consider changing these with the season. It is usually a good idea to switch out flowers that bloom in the spring to ones that bloom in colder temperatures to provide colorful curb appeal year-round.

  • Cleaning

Whether it be pulling weeds and attending to dreaded crabgrass in the summer, or raking leaves in the fall, a well-maintained lawn is an absolute must for a commercial landscape.

  • Winterizing pipes

Pipes that burst and require repair can ruin landscaping very quickly, so it’s imperative to maintain all irrigation pipes and ready them for the winter.

Irrigation and water management

Winterizing pipes is only one step in what should be a comprehensive plan to manage irrigation and water. An irrigation system is necessary to ensure that a lawn is well-watered and remains in peak condition, and this means that the irrigation system, itself, needs regular checkups. This entails an examination of the pipes and the water delivery to make sure it has the right pressure, making sure the sprinkler heads are unclogged and working properly, making sure it is set to give the right amount of water for the time of the year, and upgrading any old components which may be at the end of their lifespan. The irrigation system should also be checked for leaks to ward off unsightly, expensive, and potentially dangerously slick pools of water.

Related to irrigation: making sure unwanted water does not plague the landscaping. Inadequate drainage can damage buildings, promote mold, and invite insects. Moreover, in the fall and winter, this water can freeze, potentially becoming hazardous and worsening the chance for damage to paved areas.

Making sure the landscaping has neither too little nor too much water is vitally important for keeping it neat, tidy, and safe.

Soil care

It is important for a landscape not only to have the right amount of water but to have soil that promotes growth. This means making sure it does not get compacted, which is always a danger in areas that receive a lot of foot traffic. A regular aeration program can help with this. Furthermore, a lawn benefits from regular fertilizer, weed control treatments, and over-seeding (which means adding more seeds on top of – or “over” – the existing grass) in the springtime.

Tree and shrub care 

All trees and shrubbery should receive regular care. Especially important is regular pruning. Pruning first and foremost guarantees the health and attractiveness of shrubs and trees, as removing old dead limbs and branches promotes growth. Secondly, pruning makes sure that trees and shrubs look well-maintained and not overgrown and unkempt. Thirdly, excessive growth is not only unsightly but can potentially be hazardous: it can obscure lines of sight in parking lots, cause tripping hazards by impeding sidewalks, and – in the case of trees – can damage property if branches or the entire tree falls in a storm. Pruning is, therefore, very important as part of the overall care of commercial landscaping.

Additionally, there is a further benefit to looking after trees and shrubbery. A 2012 study conducted in Baltimore and published by the United States Forest Service shows that businesses with thriving, well-maintained trees experienced a 12% decrease in the rate of crime committed on its premises, perhaps because the attention to landscaping suggests similar attention to security. Either way, it seems well-maintained trees lower the possibility of crime.

Maintaining commercial landscaping

Whether a business in the Tri-Cities area is considering adding landscaping or keeping its existing landscaping fresh and vibrant, Promier Landscapes has a wide range of services to offer businesses and residential homeowners, including tree care from certified arborists. For a consultation, fill out the form on the website or call (423) 872-2988 to create or maintain beautiful and healthy lawns and trees.
