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3 Tips for Spotting a Dangerous Tree

Spotting a Dangerous Tree

Tennessee is known for its beautiful, lush trees in the summer. Trees are multi-functional: while they’re beautiful, they also provide shade and privacy. Unfortunately, a tree’s health can decline and quickly become a liability and hazard to property and people.

It’s important, therefore, to keep an eye on your property’s trees and look for particular signs that the tree will display showing it could be time to remove it.

The best plan to spot a dead or dying tree is always to enlist the help of an ISA-arborist like ours at Promier Tree in Johnson City. We know how to assess a tree for a multitude of possible diseases to determine any potential risks. But here are a few signs to look for if you want to spot a dangerous tree:

Look at the leaves

If you notice the canopy of your tree has become thinner or stopped producing leaves altogether, it could be that the tree is dead or dying. If you have more than one tree and one is losing its leaves sooner than the other(s), take a look at the fallen leaves and look for any signs of abnormalities.

Look at the branches

While a leaning tree is certainly something to pay attention to, the bigger risk is usually the dead branches in the tree. These are the branches that are likely to snap and fall and damage people or property underneath them. Many dead branches in one spot or all over the tree could also indicate trouble for the overall tree.

Look at the trunk

The trunk of a tree can tell you a lot about the overall tree’s health. Pay special attention to cracks or splits, missing bark, trunks that split in two and have a weak connection, and cavities or holes that could lead to decay.

Tree removal in Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol, Tennessee

It’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with signs of a dangerous tree to keep yourself, your family and others out of harm’s way. Trees are beautiful, but they’re a big responsibility. When it’s time to remove a tree, it isn’t a small job. Keep an eye on your trees, but call a trained arborist to prune and trim your trees and assess them if you think they may be dying or dead. Give our ISA-certified arborists at Promier Tree in the Tri-cities area a call at (423) 872-2988, or contact us online today.
