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Why you should Schedule a Risk Assessment in Kingsport for your Trees

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You may not know if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around, but if a tree falls on your property, you definitely will know it. A fallen tree seemingly occurs out of the blue but, in many cases, there are signs of a problem. They just aren’t signs that are readily visible to the average homeowner. That’s why, to ensure the continued health and safety of the trees at your home or business, you should have a risk assessment performed by a certified arborist. Read on as we explain why you should schedule a risk assessment for your trees in Kingsport as soon as possible.

What is a tree risk assessment

This is a physical evaluation of a tree that determines what the risk factor is that the tree could fall. When performed by a qualified arborist, the assessment includes a report that includes the arborist’s determined level of risk for the tree and a recommendation for either future care of the tree or removal of the tree, if the assessment finds the tree is too far gone to be saved.

This report serves as a record that the tree has been inspected. Information in the report includes:

  • An examination of the tree itself, the surrounding conditions and any changes to either the tree or those conditions;
  • How far away the tree is from structures and any other trees;
  • The condition of the tree’s soil and root system;
  • Any recent damage to the tree; and
  • Any other risk factors affecting the tree.

Why a risk assessment matters

Trees add beauty to your landscape and also play a key role in the local ecosystem. If a tree fails, when it falls it can damage your property, vehicles, people or animals. This damage can be serious if an older, mature tree falls. Every tree on your property should be assessed, even if it appears healthy and strong. We recommend an assessment take place once every three years.

You also may want to schedule a risk assessment following any severe weather that passes through, or if you notice any of these issues with your tree:

  • Visible signs of decay
  • Fungus, holes of any size or other indicators of insect damage
  • Many leaning and twisting tree branches
  • If the tree sways or is leaning, especially if it is on a slope or near a structure
  • Driveways and sidewalks near the tree are being pushed up by tree roots
  • Leaves that are mottled or yellowish
  • Any changes to the nearby soil, such as an excavation project or stump removal
  • Obvious signs of damage from a storm, fire, flood, earthquake, accident or some other source of physical trauma
  • A lightning strike – you also should call 911 if this occurs

Tree risk assessments in Kingsport, Johnson City and Bristol in Tennessee

The arborists at Promier Tree are experienced, ISA-certified and possess knowledge about all the species of trees that are native to East Tennessee. If it’s been more than three years since your tree has undergone a risk assessment, contact the office of Promier Tree today. Just call (423) 765-2626 or contact us online.
