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Protect your Lawn from Jack Frost this Winter

jack frost

Winter in East Tennessee often brings many days below freezing temperatures, ice, and the occasional snowfall. We don’t yet know what the winter season has in store for us, but it’s safe to say that you should prepare by taking steps to protect your lawn. That way, your landscape will have a head start come spring. So today on the blog, our Kingsport landscapers at Promier Landscapes share how to protect your lawn from jack frost this winter.

Deep water

Leaf scorch or winter burn are common occurrences during the cold months and can severely dry out the soil, killing plants and grass. Consider deep watering on days that won’t get below freezing so that the roots can soak up enough water to survive the frost. Additionally, deep watering helps plants and grass establish a deep root system.

Add mulch

Frost heave occurs during periods of fluctuating temperatures, which is something we often experience here in East Tennessee. It happens when the ground warms during the day, just enough to thaw and encourage growth, and then a sharp drop in temperatures leads to freezing at night. This may cause plants to “heave” from the soil, which damages turf and kills plants and grass. Mulching your garden beds is an excellent way to protect plants during the colder months because mulch is like an insulator. And mulching before freezing temps settle in helps keep the soil cold when temperatures warm up during the winter days. However, mulching has the opposite effect of keeping the soil warm only once temperatures remain above freezing.

Avoid walking on the lawn when it’s frozen

Grass breakage occurs from walking on the ground when it freezes or has frost across the lawn. Doing so breaks the grass blades and can damage the grass from the excess weight and pressure. Therefore, we recommend that homeowners avoid walking on their lawns when the ground is frozen or has frost on it. If you must utilize your lawn to take out the trash or for another task, wait and do so during the day when the frost has melted, and the ground has warmed a little bit.

Remove leaves and debris

Another tip to help maintain a healthy lawn this winter is to remove any fallen leaves or other yard debris if you haven’t already. Most leaves should have already fallen and been cleared from your property by now. But if not, and you have any debris in your yard, now is the time to remove leaf piles and fallen sticks or branches. Doing so helps allow sunlight to reach the soil and provide nutrients for plants and grass, which keeps your lawn healthier during the winter.

Winterize your irrigation system

If you haven’t already, winterize your irrigation system so that water lines do not freeze and burst during the winter. This can be an easy task for DIYers, or our crew at Promier Landscape is happy to take care of the job for you to ensure it’s done right.

Professional landscapers in Kingsport and Johnson City

Protecting your lawn during the winter is essential if you want to have a beautiful lawn come springtime. However, not all homeowners have the time to fool with their landscape maintenance. So, Promier Landscapes is here for you, offering a wide range of lawncare services throughout the year. To learn more, contact Kingsport’s professional landscapers by calling (423) 872-2988.
