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7 Trees Not to Plant in Your Kingsport Yard

white tree

Homeowners often appreciate the benefits of trees on their property. Depending on the type of tree, they may provide privacy, shade, beautiful blooms, tasty fruit, or just serve for ornamental purposes. You may assume that any tree available for purchase at your local nursery is fine to plant anywhere on your property. However, there are some tree species that we recommend homeowners avoid for multiple reasons. Or, at the least, be mindful of where you plant these trees. Whether they are invasive species or are difficult to maintain, you may want to consider alternatives if you prefer low maintenance trees that are less likely to develop disease or become damaged in storms. So today on the blog, our Kingsport arborists share seven three species that you shouldn’t plant in your Kingsport yard.

Bradford Pear

Known for its pretty white blooms during the spring, this tree is prone to splitting and succumbing to significant storm damage, causing damage to your home or property. You may spot Bradford Pears along driveways or property edges as they work well as border trees. However, their blooms, although pretty, produce an off-putting rotten smell. Additionally, their seeds spread far from the wind, which may cause sprouts to grow in areas that are damaging to surrounding trees and structures. If you already have these trees on your property, ensure that they are maintained and inspected by an arborist regularly to prevent damage.

Silver Maple

Known as one of the fastest growing trees, the Silver Maple’s root system remains close to the soil’s surface, which could destroy your yard, making it impossible to grow grass or other plants around the tree, as well as crack concrete or ruin retaining walls. Their shallow roots also make Silver Maples susceptible to damage during storms or high winds.

Leyland Cypress

Homeowners often plant Leyland Cypress trees along property lines or fences for privacy. While they aren’t an invasive species, they can be difficult to maintain because they are susceptible to root rot. Unfortunately, these trees may only live 10-20 years because they tend to develop Seiridium or Botriospheria canker, which can destroy the tree. If you’re looking for alternatives that may live longer, consider the Holly, Radicans, or Yews, which also help add privacy to your yard.


This tree also has a shallow root system, and is susceptible to the emerald ash borer, which can damage or kill the tree. Additionally, due to the Ash tree’s shallow root system, the roots spread horizontally, across the ground instead of deep down into the soil, which may damage surrounding structures.

Box Elder

These are beautiful trees that belong to the maple family, are fast-growing, although short lived due to their weak wood and susceptibility to the box elder bugs. These insects not only infest the tree itself but can infest homes or other nearby structures.

Weeping Willow

This tree is a favorite in terms of its shape and beauty. However, avoid planting these trees near your home where its roots could invade and crack your home’s foundation, or pipes. Its root system is strong and can also overpower nearby trees. Therefore, avoid planting this tree in your yard unless you have a lot of property, and it can live on its own away from other trees or structures.


Poplar trees can grow to 100 feet or more and their root system can be up to three times as long as the tree’s height. Its massive root system can destroy nearby sidewalks, driveways, foundations, or bust through pipes. Therefore, it’s best not to plant Poplar trees in urban settings.

Arborists in Kingsport, Bristol, and Johnson City, Tennessee

Deciding which tree species to plant in your yard is a bit of a science with several factors to consider, other than just size and cost. Therefore, it’s best to consult with an arborist before deciding to plant trees on your property. That way you can avoid unnecessary damage that may result in a waste of your time and money. If you’d like to learn more about tree planting in Kingsport, contact Promier Tree by calling (423) 765-2626.
