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How to Help Your Trees Recover After Winter


Winter can be harsh. Not only does it drive up your heating bill, but trees can suffer during severe winter weather. You might assume that because trees are outdoors, they naturally adapt to temperature changes. While that is true, mostly, that doesn’t mean they are immune to drastic changes in temperatures, freezing weather, snow, and high winds. Punxsutawney Phil promised us six additional weeks of winter. While we await the official arrival of spring, you may want to help your trees recover from winter. So today on the blog, we share helpful tips regarding pruning, soil analysis, and watering your trees so that they flourish and remain healthy through spring and summer.

Prune at the right time

Many species of trees respond best to pruning during the fall. However, not all trees are the same, and sometimes, pruning is necessary to remove dead or diseased limbs and branches, even during growth season. We recommend waiting to prune heavy limbs with brown leaves until spring arrives because new growth is possible, although the limb may seem dead. After all, it can be difficult to tell whether your tree is dead or alive during the winter. Therefore, wait until the tree sprouts in the spring before removing limbs with brown leaves.

Get a soil analysis

Your soil’s pH has a lot to do with the health and growth of trees and plants. If your trees get the necessary nutrients, they will flourish and remain healthy. However, you won’t know if your tree lacks nutrients and needs specific fertilizer without a soil analysis. Otherwise, it’s like hunting in the dark. You may not apply the proper amounts or types of fertilizers if you don’t know exactly what your soil needs. At Promier Tree, our ISA-certified arborists can conduct a soil analysis and tell you exactly what your soil needs to help your trees thrive.

Feed and water your trees adequately

Your trees suffered a lot during the winter, and now is the time to ensure they are fertilized, irrigated, and cared for by adding new mulch around the tree’s base. Fertilizer helps promote healthy growth, while watering your trees is necessary, especially if there isn’t much chance of rain in the forecast. However, make watering your trees and plants easy with professionally installed irrigation systems in Kingsport. Our landscaping division is well-versed in this area and can provide an estimate if you’re interested in learning more about installing an irrigation system.

Remove salty snow

There probably isn’t any snow left even for those living in the higher elevations by this time. However, it is a good rule of thumb always to remember to remove snow from around the tree trunks before the spring thaw. This removes deicing salts that could damage the tree or rob it of nutrients.

Keep an eye on frost cracks in your trees

Earlier this year, we wrote a blog about frost cracks in trees and what you should know. Frost cracks happen because of changing winter temperatures. While frost cracks often heal on their own, they can harm your trees. Therefore, keep an eye out on frost cracks in your trees, and contact a trusted arborist near you in Kingsport for proper tree care if you notice signs of damage that are not healing.

Professional Tree Care in Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol, Tennessee

Your trees will last for decades and produce beautiful leaves and blooms with proper care and maintenance. Most homeowners don’t have the tools, safety equipment, and knowledge to care for trees properly. Therefore, our Kingsport arborists are here for you. At Promier Tree, our arborists are certified by the International Society of Arboriculture. Schedule a consultation with one of our arborists today by calling (423) 765-2626.
